Secondaire 1 • 6m
I have a French test for writing that i've started. Im great at writing but I feel like French isn't my strong suit. It's a "texte justificatif descriptive". The subject is somethings we want to change in school. and i chose my topics as giving students more fresh air and letting students wear hoodies. I don't know what to write for the description other than WHY I want the change but the WHY is for the justification :(
I appreciate all the help you guys give ♥︎
LoupLibre4358 🐺 🐾 🌲
I could maybe give you a couple of ideas. You should describe how the students would enjoy that change or how it would be different for the whole school. Try describing what would happen if they accepted.
I hope I helped you a little.
Explication d'Alloprof
Cette explication a été donnée par un membre de l'équipe d'Alloprof.
Here is a suggestion : try to describe the situation as it is now. You could, for exemple, describe what a typical day looks like right now (try to not go off topic, remember you are talking about the lack of fresh air). In your justification, you could then talk about why it is important for student to get fresh air.
I also reccomend that you chose only one of the two topic you chose : fresh air or hoodies. It would be difficult to write your text while having two subject.
Like always, don't forget to check the instructions for this evaluation. Your teacher might have specific instructions! :)
If you have any other questions, don't hesitate to ask! We'll be happy to help! :D
Laurie :)
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