Primaire 3 • 1m
After someone answered my question, can I continue to ask him/her if I am still confused? How?
After someone answered my question, can I continue to ask him/her if I am still confused? How?
As someone that used LaZoneD'entraide since forever, you can’t exactly text the same person.
You can ask your others questions but I can’t guarantee you that the same personne is going to answer, it all depends about their disponsibility (when they’re free.)
Students like me, we don’t get on the web at the same hour everyday, so u can’t see us always, but adults have specific times to get on the website and answer your questions :D
Explication d'Alloprof
Cette explication a été donnée par un membre de l'équipe d'Alloprof.
If you have more questions, you can always write another question like you just did! You can add the link to your last question too! :D
Laurie :)
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Suggestion en lien avec la question
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