Liste de discussions
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Secondaire 4 • 10mBonjour, je dois faire un devoir d’anglais avec des phrases trouées et on doit les trouver par la suite dans un mot caché, mais là je n’arrive pas à trouver un mot. La phrase est la suivante:
Essential. Can you name all the….. organs in your body? Quelle est le mot entre the et organs?? Merciii!!!
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Secondaire 4 • 10mBonjour, je bloque à ce numéro. J’ai seulement réussi à les repérer. Je ne comprends pas bien dans quelle cas il faut utiliser chacun d’eux.
Merci beaucoup!
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Secondaire 1 • 10mpouvez-vous m'expliquer les couplet en anglais
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Primaire 5 • 10mc'est le mot anglais(sunny)
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Secondaire 3 • 10mI have a really important question
But the problem with the first one Is that doesn't It already give à reason why they should not abolish uniforms, which Is supposed to be in the body .My three arguments : -it help maintaining safety, stop bullying and it helps families save money. When I say in the introduction, they don't have to spend a lot of time isn't this also an argument so I'm confused what to do, which one to chose and is the first one good ?
Is it good or not
1. Are you aware that fashion has always been super important for teenagers? They love expressing themselves through their clothes and often spend a lot of time thinking about what to wear in the morning. But with uniforms, they do not have to worry about that and could save some time. So, I disagree with the idea of abolishing school uniforms.
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Secondaire 4 • 10mSo does that mean that the first one Is better ?
But the problem with the first one Is that doesn't It already give à reason why they should not abolish uniforms, which Is supposed to be in the body .My three arguments : -it help maintaining safety, stop bullying and it helps families save money. When I say in the introduction, they don't have to spend a lot of time isn't this also an argument so I'm confused what to do, which one to chose and is the first one good ?
1. Are you aware that fashion has always been super important for teenagers? They love expressing themselves through their clothes and often spend a lot of time thinking about what to wear in the morning. But with uniforms, they do not have to worry about that and could save some time. So, I disagree with the idea of abolishing school uniforms.
2. Have you ever noticed how much teenagers care about fashion nowadays? They love expressing themselves through their branded clothes wherever they go. However, at school, uniforms prevent them from doing so, which actually helps in many ways. So, I strongly believe that school uniforms should not be abolished.
But the problem with the first one Is that doesn't It already give à reason why they should not abolish uniforms, which Is supposed to be in the body
My three arguments : -it help maintaining safety, stop bullying and it helps families save money
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Secondaire 3 • 10mMy teacher said that the sujet divisé is not necessary
So is :
Are you aware that fashion has always been super important for teenagers? They love expressing themselves through their clothes and often spend a lot of time thinking about what to wear in the morning. But with uniforms, they do not have to worry about that and could save some time. So, I disagree with the idea of abolishing school uniforms.
Good ?
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Secondaire 4 • 10mAllo you told me to :
Verify the punctuation.
Is it only nowadays that teenagers express themselves with clothing? Was fashion not important 10, 20 or evenr 40 years ago?
I modified my introduction
Are you aware that fashion has always been super important for teenagers? They love expressing themselves through their clothes and often spend a lot of time thinking about what to wear in the morning. But with uniforms, they do not have to worry about that and could save some time. So, I disagree with the idea of abolishing school uniforms.
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Secondaire 4 • 10mI just dont know what to improve as I contains a hook( therical question, background informations and a thèsis) so I don't know what you mean by you are missing some important parts, please help me, it's just a homework
actully i have a really hard homework in english where i have to write a introduction as a homework to prepare for the final exam
the topic is : We should abolish the school uniform.
my introductions, i wrote 2, im really confused which one to choose could you please help, as its just a homework, which helps me prepare for my finale exam
the introductions :
Are you aware that,nowadays, fashion is super important for teenagers ? They love expressing themselves through their clothes and often spend a lot of time thinking about what to wear in the morning, but with uniforms they do not have to worry about that and could save some time. So, I disagree with the idea of abolishing school uniforms.
Have you ever noticed how much teenagers care about fashion nowadays? They love expressing themselves through their branded clothes wherever they go. However, at school, uniforms prevent them from doing so, which actually helps in many ways. So, I strongly believe that school uniforms should not be abolished.
please help, it doesnt even count
I improve them, just choose one in between the two
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Secondaire 4 • 10mHi, i have a question
I improved both of the introduction, could you help me please ?
actully i have a really hard homework in english where i have to write a introduction as a homework to prepare for the final exam
the topic is : We should abolish the school uniform.
my introductions, i wrote 2, im really confused which one to choose could you please help, as its just a homework, which helps me prepare for my finale exam
the introductions :
Are you aware that,nowadays, fashion is super important for teenagers ? They love expressing themselves through their clothes and often spend a lot of time thinking about what to wear in the morning, but with uniforms they do not have to worry about that and could save some time. So, I disagree with the idea of abolishing school uniforms.
Have you ever noticed how much teenagers care about fashion nowadays? They love expressing themselves through their branded clothes wherever they go. However, at school, uniforms prevent them from doing so, which actually helps in many ways. So, I strongly believe that school uniforms should not be abolished.
please help, it doesnt even count
I improve them, just choose one in between the two
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Secondaire 4 • 10mHi, i have a question
actully i have a really hard homework in english where i have to write a introduction as a homework to prepare for the final exam
the topic is : We should abolish the school uniform.
my introductions, i wrote 2, im really confused which one to choose could you please help, as its just a homework, which helps me prepare for my finale exam
the introductions :
Are you aware that nowadays, fashion is super important for teenagers. ?. They love expressing themselves through their clothes and often spend a lot of time thinking about what to wear in the morning, but with uniforms they do not have to worry about that and could save some time. So, I disagree with the idea of abolishing school uniforms.
Have you ever noticed how much teenagers care about fashion nowadays? They love expressing themselves through their branded clothes wherever they go. However, at school, uniforms prevent them from doing so, which actually helps in many ways. So, I strongly believe that school uniforms should not be abolished.
please help, it doesnt even count
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Secondaire 4 • 10mbonjour, est-ce que vous avez des conseils ou des fiches sur comment réaliser un essay d’analyse en anglais ? Normalement, dans nos essay, on devait prouver un fait à l’aide de deux arguments. Maintenant, le prof nous demande d’analyser la symbolique de certains éléments d’une œuvre et ça me mélange.
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Primaire 5 • 10mEn anglais, au négatif, il n'y a pas de s mais est-ce que does a un s ou pas? Ex: He does not like. Réponse rapide svp. Merci!
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Secondaire 3 • 10mHow to write a essaye in English and bring in the introduction and the verbe and word
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Secondaire 4 • 10mBonjour! Savez-vous à quel niveau de GCSE ou de CEFR les cours d’anglais de secondaire 4 et 5 correspondent? Merci!
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Secondaire 5 • 10mBonjour, j' ai une question .si on échoue l' examen du ministère en anglais , pourrais-je avoir le diplôme
Anglais secondaire 5
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Primaire 5 • 10mCher Alloprof sa ne ma pas vraiment aider je ne comprenais vraiment vraiment vraiment PAS. Alors voila l année prochenne je vais en anglais intensife en 6 ieme année et je ne veux vraiment PAS que je poche ma 5 ieme et ma 6 ieme de toute facon je ne peux vraiment PAS de toute facons ont ne peux PASpocher on année si ont redouble notre 6 ime en secondaire ont vas dans des classe spécial parce que etre dans des classe special sa nous menne a RIEN voila c est tout se que j avais a dire.
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Secondaire 5 • 10mJe ne ses pas l anglais tu peux m aider S.V.P
merci. Alloprof un conseille tu peux metre des jeux pour l anglais et que sa nous aprend l anglais MERCI.
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Secondaire 2 • 10mYall what are phrasal verbs
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Secondaire 2 • 10mPourquoi dans Spellers je me retrouve avec le sensei, je lui dit un truc et il ne réponds pas?
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Primaire 6 • 10mHi, my teacher gave me this activity to finish for tomorrow.. I don't know if this is the kind of question we can ask there but is there any astuces to find more words more quickly?/Bonjour, mon enseignante nous a assigné cette activité à finir pour le lendemain . Je ne sais pas si on peut poser ce genre de questions ici mais avez vous des trucs pour trouver des mots plus rapidement?
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Secondaire 3 • 10mBonjour je fais un texte en anglais et je veux que vous me donnez des exemples comme pour le a) B)c)de) dans le opening generalization? Donner moi des exemples ça va me donner des idées merci
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Primaire 3 • 10mBonjour
est ce que vous pouvez me dire quelle est le jeu le plus cool en anglais parce 'que notre prof d'anglais nous a donner un examen et dans ce examen il a ca si vous avez la réponse dits le moi s'il vous plait parce 'que je ne trouve rien du tous
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Primaire 5 • 10mcomment on joue a speller
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Primaire 4 • 10mBonjour,
J'aimerais savoir comment retenir les verbes Can, Cannot, Do et Does like
Merci INFINIMENT de votre aide d'avance 😃
P-S J'ai vraiment besoin de votre aide car j'ai un examen ce jeudi et je stresse car je suis nulle en anglais 😧😕😟😣
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Secondaire 2 • 10mPourquoi le jeu de spellers est avec des problèmes techniques???
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Primaire 5 • 10mSalut! Quand je clique jouer sur le jeu Spellers, sa me montre un écran blanc. AIDER MOI SVP!
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Primaire 6 • 10mQuand je conjugue mes verbes irréguliers en anglais, je me trompe souvent de terminaison.
Quelqu'un a une astuce pour le verbe awake ?
Merci! 😁
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Primaire 4 • 10mcomment mamiliorer en anglais
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Secondaire 2 • 10mBonjour,
Je dois écrire un synopsis, mais je n'arrive pas, car je ne comprend pas comment faire. Il faut aussi que j'inclue l'endroit ou il vit, mais je ne sais pas comment l'inclure dans mon synopsis. J'ai regarder plusieurs exemples et même le synopsis du film, mais rien ne fonctionne.
*Le film est Clic.