Grade 5 • 1yr.
I’m a homeschool mom using the site. Do I need both a teacher and student account for my child?
if both Would they link?
im interested in the set timed activities ex. 30 min of Math and French and 20 min English
Explanation from Alloprof
This Explanation was submitted by a member of the Alloprof team.
Hi there!
Thanks for reaching out :)
I think you couldn't make your two accounts link, since you need a different e-mail adress for every account created.
You can use the same account you are writing to us from to access different activities on the teacher section of the website! :)
For the set time activities, you can navigate through the activities that you would find that fits your child's needs! Here's the link to our teaching resources:
By clicking on the link to an activity, you can see what the estimated time would be for that specific one!
Hope that helps! :)
Have a great day,