Algebra is a branch of mathematics that uses letters and symbols to represent numbers and express relationships between them. It allows us to solve equations and manipulate mathematical expressions in general. Here is an example:
Let's say we have a box of candy. We don't know how many candies are in the box, so we'll say that there are "x" candies. If each candy costs $2, and we pay $10 in total, then we have this equation:
This means that the total cost of the candies (2 × x) is equal to $10. Now, to find how many candies are in the box, we need to find the value of the letter x. To do this, we need to solve this algebraic equation. We will then find that x=5, which means that there are 5 candies in the box.
Explanation from Alloprof
This Explanation was submitted by a member of the Alloprof team.
Algebra is a branch of mathematics that uses letters and symbols to represent numbers and express relationships between them. It allows us to solve equations and manipulate mathematical expressions in general. Here is an example:
Let's say we have a box of candy. We don't know how many candies are in the box, so we'll say that there are "x" candies. If each candy costs $2, and we pay $10 in total, then we have this equation:
This means that the total cost of the candies (2 × x) is equal to $10. Now, to find how many candies are in the box, we need to find the value of the letter x. To do this, we need to solve this algebraic equation. We will then find that x=5, which means that there are 5 candies in the box.
If you are curious to learn more about this topic, you can consult the "algebra" section of this sheet: Memory Aid | Mathematics — Secondary 1 & 2 | Secondaire | Alloprof
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