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  • Verified by Alloprof
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    Secondary I • 2yr.

    Mon examen est sur les premières sociétés

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    Grade 3 • 2yr.


    Est-ce que c'est possible d'avoir des exercice sur les Iroquoens vers 1500?


  • Verified by Alloprof
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    Postsecondary • 2yr.

    Bonjour, Je me demandais s'il serait possible que quelqu'un m'explique comment se déroulait le quotidien d'un homme (prolétariat) sous l'Empire romain ( un peu du genre "a day in the life") ? Merci!

    Hello, I was wondering if it would be possible for someone to explain to me a day in the life of a typical man (proletariat) during the Roman Empire ? Thank you!

    vous pouvez répondre dans n'importe quelle langue (français ou anglais)/ you may answer in any language (french or english)

  • Verified by Alloprof
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    Grade 4 • 2yr.

    Qui a inventer le plastique

  • Verified by Alloprof
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    Secondary II • 2yr.

    Allô! Comment est ce que les autochtones se sont fait colonisé par les européens?

  • Verified by Alloprof
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    Secondary IV • 2yr.

    pourquoi est ce quil y a une instabilites politique a cause de lobtention de la responsabilites ministerille

  • Verified by Alloprof
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    Secondary I • 2yr.

    comment savoir par coeur l'évolution de l'humain

  • Verified by Alloprof
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    Secondary IV • 2yr.


    Petite question rapide.

    Comment l'instabilité ministérielle est règlé grace a l'AANB?

  • Verified by Alloprof
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    Secondary I • 2yr.

    Allo quel sont les matériaux de construction utulisés pour une maison néolithique.

  • Verified by Alloprof
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    Secondary II • 2yr.


    I would like a deeper explanation of the importance of Patronage during the flourishing of Renaissance art! i know that:

    -They paid for the art

    -And are basically the reason we have renaissance art

    Anything else?

    Thank you!

  • Verified by Alloprof
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    Secondary IV • 2yr.

    En gros, qu'est-ce que la double majorité sous le gouvernement responsable?

  • Verified by Alloprof
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    Secondary III • 2yr.

    quelle est la famille linguistique vivant dans des villages de plusieurs centaines d’habitants

  • Verified by Alloprof
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    Grade 6 • 2yr.


    Comment c'est passé le moment dans la 2ème Guerre mondiale ou il y a eu deux bombe sur le Japon?


  • Verified by Alloprof
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    Grade 5 • 2yr.

    bonjour, je cherche quelle est la 3iem guerre intercoloniale? Qu'est ce que les anglais ont fait?

  • Verified by Alloprof
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    Secondary II • 2yr.


    J’arrive pas à trouver une carte où il y a des flèches qui montre le déplacement des intellectuels orientaux de Constantinople vers l’Occident pendant la Renaissance. Pourriez-vous m’aider svp.


  • Verified by Alloprof
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    Secondary II • 2yr.


    Je veux just savoir c'est quoi la raison, le moyen et la conséquece à la construction d'un château fort?


  • Verified by Alloprof
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    Secondary I • 2yr.

    dans quel aspect d'une société tomberait l'énoncé ''Au Moyen âge, le peuple forme la majorité de la population des villes''

  • Verified by Alloprof
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    Secondary IV • 2yr.

    Quel est l'objectif des libéraux et conservateurs dans le cadre du bipartisme dans la Province du Canada (1850)? Je ne comprends pas exactement pourquoi ces derniers se divisent en deux groupes quand ils sont tous les deux réformistes.Merci beaucoup!

  • Verified by Alloprof
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    Secondary IV • 2yr.

    Nom de la période de transformations que connaît le Québec au début du 20e siècle                    

  • Verified by Alloprof
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    Secondary III • 2yr.

    comment explique- t-on les resemblances enters les peuples autochtones? (algonquiens, inuits, iroquois)

  • Verified by Alloprof
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    Secondary II • 2yr.

    Quelle est l'invention importante quia été inventée pendant la renaissance et qui sont les inventeurs?

  • Verified by Alloprof
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    Secondary III • 2yr.

    qui sont les 2 auteurs qui ne s'entendent pas dans les revendications et les luttes coloniales de 1791-1840

  • Verified by Alloprof
    Verified by Alloprof
    Secondary III • 2yr.

    En quoi la colonisation de la Nouvelle-France a été difficile pour les français?

  • Verified by Alloprof
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    Secondary II • 2yr.

    comment on fait pour produire de bien apres at avant la revolution industrielle.

  • Verified by Alloprof
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    Secondary II • 2yr.

    When will the english version of history come out because I need to practice for my exam

  • Verified by Alloprof
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    Secondary IV • 2yr.

    bonjour jaimerais avoir une explication facile du federalisme renouvle merci

  • Verified by Alloprof
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    Secondary III • 2yr.


    I have been curious about Inuit people lately, so I made a list of all questions that I would like to know. Does anyone know about these questions or can help me by answering them please? Thank you very much in advance!

    1. What are the 4 official languages of Nunavut? 
    • English
    • French
    • Inuktitut
    • Inuinnaqtun
    1. Why are Inuit people coming into contact with different dialects more frequently than before? 
    2. Which Inuit dialect is the most recognized and widely spoken? 
    3. Where is the Inuit language spoken?
    4. What are the 4 areas included in the Inuit Nunangat? (Inuit Homeland)





    1. Traditional Inuit place names often describe the location. What does the word Nunatsiavut mean? 

    Nuna = 


    vut = 

    Meaning= ___________________________________

    1. Traditional Inuit place names often describe the location. What does the word Nunavut mean? 

    Nuna = 


    Meaning = ______________________________

    1. Traditional Inuit place names often describe the location. What does the word Qamani’tuaq mean? 
    2. What are the two main dialect areas of the Inuit language? 



    1. What do you add to the end of inuit words to make them plural (2 or more)?
    2. What is the dual form of the word for “snowy owl” in the Inuit language? 
    3. What is the singular, dual and plural form of the word “person” in the Inuit Language?  



    plural (2+): 

    1. How do you refer to a non-Inuit person in the Inuit language? 
    2. Why is it sometimes difficult to write Quallunaaq names using Inuit syllabics? 
    3. How do you write your own name in Inuit syllabics? Use the sheet provided. 
    4.  Match these words to their meaning and their translation in English: 

    ᓄᓇ  = ᐃᒡᓗ = ᐊᓈᓇ = ᓇᓄᖅ = ᐃᓄᐃᑦ = 17. How do you say “Who are you?” using Inuit syllabics? 

    18. . What is the difference between niummak,  sitilluqqaaq and qanniq? 

    Niummak =

    sitilluqqaaq = 

    qanniq = 

    19. TRUE OR FALSE: Inuit have dozens or even hundreds of words for snow. 

    20. In the Inuit language, how can we create new snow-related words? 

    21. What does “polysynthetic language” mean? 

    22.  What does “pukaksiaqsiuriaqtuqatigimaiqtara” mean? 

    23. What is the Inuit Language Protection Act? 

    24. What is the predicted population of Inuit for 2031?

    25. Between today and 2031, what percentage of population increase is expected for the Inuit population? 

    26. Pronunciation challenge!! Which team can sing Saila’s alphabet song the best? 

  • Verified by Alloprof
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    Grade 5 • 2yr.
    My question is do you know how Classcraft works???
  • Verified by Alloprof
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    Secondary II • 2yr.

    Bonjour, Hello,

    I have a few questions,

    Jeffery Amherst did something that the first nations thought was a sign of peace, then he did all of those bad things to the first nations. If he was faking peace, how did the first nations know that he did all that bad stuff to them?

    Is it because the British were the only ones that had the power to do those things?

    What did Jeffery Amherst do with the first nations before he massacred them?

    Thank you

  • Verified by Alloprof
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    Secondary V • 2yr.

    I"m doing a project about why young germans would join Hitler Jugend (Hitler youth nazi group)? I was just wondering if joining had any advantages for the members?

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