Discussion List
Verified by AlloprofSecondary I • 1yr.
jai besoin daide en anglais parce que je ne peut pas structurer de phrases
Verified by AlloprofSecondary IV • 1yr.
Hi. Can you help me write a texte about should organes be donated.
Verified by AlloprofGrade 6 • 1yr.
je ne sais pas comment faire une yes-no question en anglais
Verified by AlloprofSecondary I • 1yr.
Allo! J’ai un peu de difficulté avec les verbes irréguliers en anglais.
Verified by AlloprofSecondary II • 1yr.
Je parles d'Anglais, et j'utilise cette siteweb pour m'aider avec des devoirs francais, mais j'ai un question a propos d'Anglais.
Donc je devrai ecrire un redaction/an essay a propos d'un "bete noire", et j'ai choisi des personnes qui mange avec beaucoup de bruis/chew loudly, mes trois arguments sont que ça me coupe l'appétit, c'est énervant et je n'arrive pas à me concentre
Mais le probleme est que je ne peux pas trouver d'evidence/des raisons pour supporter mes arguments. Est-ce que quelqun peuvent m'aider a trouver d'evidence pour supporter ces arguments? Merci!!
Verified by AlloprofSecondary IV • 1yr.
How do I know how to use the passive voice in a sentence?
Verified by AlloprofSecondary II • 1yr.
Bonjour, pour mon écriture d’anglais , je n’arrive pas à trouver the « introducing sentence » quelqu’un peut m’aider ? Mon sujet et un livre de Arthur Conan Doyle (Sherlock Holmes)
Verified by AlloprofSecondary V • 1yr.
Allô, j’ai normalement pas besoin d’utiliser ce genre de sites donc je sais pas si je devrais écrire en anglais ou français, donc désolée si c’était supposé être en anglais! Bref, dans le fond, dans ma classe, on a pas eu de vrai prof depuis environs novembre, et même quand elle était là, elle nous faisait que faire de la lecture personnelle. Maintenant, l’exam du ministère s’en vient et personne sait trop comment faire et ça me stresse. L’exam serait un feature article, j’ai des notes de cours sur comment le faire, mais aucune pratique. Ma question serait donc environs combien de paragraphes est-ce que je devrais faire dans le « body »? Combien d’arguments? Et combien de mots par paragraphe/argument? C’est pour l’examen du ministère, et on ne nous donne pas d’exceptions, on est obligé de le faire comme tout les autres. Je suis bonne en anglais, la grammaire n’est pas un problème, c’est seulement que je ne sais pas comment faire le te texte. Merci d’avance! Désolée que c’était un long paragraphe. Haha
Verified by AlloprofSecondary IV • 1yr.
How to start to write an analysis on the poem whatif?
Verified by AlloprofSecondary V • 1yr.
Good night, i did not understand how to write a feature article. Thank you
Verified by AlloprofSecondary V • 1yr.
when i write a text, do i write mangas or Mangas?
french or French?
thank you
Verified by AlloprofGrade 5 • 1yr.
The proper way to refer to yourself and more people is: ___, ____, and I.
In real life, most people say: me and _____.
When writing a story, is it OK to use: "me and ____" when a character is talking?
Verified by AlloprofSecondary V • 1yr.
how can having material goods give you power in society?
Verified by AlloprofGrade 3 • 1yr.
My daughter is struggling with french reading comprehension. Basically she forgets what she reads . I'm looking for reading comprehension pages .. Little stories with questions that can be printed and answered
Verified by AlloprofSecondary I • 1yr.
Good evening,
I was wondering how to capitalize titles. Yes, I saw your page on capitalization (https://www.alloprof.qc.ca/fr/eleves/bv/anglais/capitalization-0-a2120), but my English teacher at school told me we could also simply capitalize every word in the title. Does that work as well?
Verified by AlloprofSecondary I • 1yr.
Good morning,
I have a question concerning adverbs.
In my textbook, they mention sentence adverbs (fortunately, apparently, firstly...). However, I can't find anything related to sentence adverbs on the internet, so I was wondering if conjunctive adverbs are considered the same as sentence adverbs. Please help! I am very much confused.
Thanks a lot! Happy New Year.
Verified by AlloprofSecondary V • 1yr.
What does "boost morale" mean?
Verified by AlloprofSecondary I • 2yr.
I need help in this page. Thank you
Verified by AlloprofGrade 5 • 2yr.
Bonjour:> est ce que vous pouvez m’aider???
Je ne comprend pas se que veut dire la phrase
Today Mark feel very good.merci
Verified by AlloprofSecondary I • 2yr.
What does this mean: "Sleep deprivation, according to one research, amplifies reactions in areas of the brain associated with anxiety, such as the amygdala and anterior insula."
I'm having trouble understanding.
Verified by AlloprofGrade 4 • 2yr.
allo c'cest encore moiiiiiii
je ne comprend pas le mot gymnasium
sil te plait allo prof aider moi
Verified by AlloprofSecondary V • 2yr.
Is first person P.O.V, a code and convention of a short story...? I remember reading it somewhere, but now I'm not sure.
Verified by AlloprofSecondary V • 2yr.
Hi! I am looking at this song.https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x6Z07QcIfCs&list=RDx6Z07QcIfCs&start_radio=1&rv=x6Z07QcIfCs&t=0It does not have any visuals, so I am having difficultly understanding what codes and conventions it uses. Can anyone help me :/ ?
Verified by AlloprofSecondary V • 2yr.
What are codes and conventions of a song (that is not a music video just an audio)?
Verified by AlloprofSecondary V • 2yr.
What are codes and conventions of a song (with no visuals)?
Verified by AlloprofSecondary II • 2yr.
I need help i can't find why did Willis Carrier invented the air conditioner. I have been trying to find the answer but unfortunately no clue. Can you please help me.
Thanks a lot
Verified by AlloprofSecondary V • 2yr.
I struggle with identifying complex sentences. Is this correct?Complex Sentence:"I took along my son, who had never had any freshwater up his nose and had seen lily pads only from train windows.”
Verified by AlloprofSecondary V • 2yr.
Je ne comprends pas le sens de ce paragraphe. Puis-je avoir de l'aide ?
"We don’t know where we belong, but in times of sorrow, it doesn’t seem to be here, here with these silly pansies and witless mountains, here with sponges and hard-eyed birds. In times of sorrow, the innocence of other creatures—from whom and with whom we evolved—seems a mockery. Their ways are not our ways. We seem set among them as among lifelike props for a tragedy—or a broad lampoon—on a thrust rock stage."
Verified by AlloprofSecondary V • 2yr.
J'essaie d'améliorer mon anglais en lisant "sojourners". Cependant, je ne comprends pas une certaine ligne. Quelqu'un pourrait-il m'expliquer :(
The line: the coherence of matter dwindles and crumbles toward stillness.
Verified by AlloprofSecondary V • 2yr.
I would like to know what does sharp means.
the SHARP decline in tourists was a disproportionate penance
Even with the meaning I don't understand